

This repository is used for sharing material of the courses I lectured at Instituto de Computação of Universidade Federal Fluminense and at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. The material is mainly focused on Computer Networks, but there are also slides and/or support material for other undergraduate and graduate courses I have taught in the past.

My goal is to reliably share course material with my students, but anyone who finds the content usefull is welcome to use it. Notice, however, that some of the slides provided here are heavily based on third-part original content. Specifically, most of the slides for Computer Network courses are simply portuguese translations of the original slides published by Kurose and Ross for their excelent book. I have added, altered and removed some slides in order to better fit the needs of my courses, though.

As implicitly stated above, the material is (mostly) in portuguese. The slides are provided both in PDF format and in HTML5+CSS3+javascript. The template I use for the HTML version is a modified version of the fantastic dzslides. The repository also contains a few problem sets and some multimidia content that I sometimes use during classes.